It has been 2+ very busy months since last posted on here. I have officially graduated and am now waiting to take my boards at the end of this month. For those of you who have set yourselves a goal and pursued it to the exclusion or should I say in spite of everything else, you know the wonderful feeling of triumph and pride I experienced walking across the stage on May 5th. I also got to see my little sister which was great since I hadn't seen her in several years. My mom was up here as well in addition to Kyle's uncle and the rest of the crew that is normally here. The Miata club was also there cheering me on as I crossed the stage and then at dinner later that night. Needless to say I was very happy and very exhausted by the time I went to bed that night!
Mom & I after the pinning ceremony Friday night |
Mom, Mandy, Pat & I on Saturday morning before graduation at IHOP |
In the Line of March going to our seats |
Receiving my diploma from University President Mcfee |
Both girls have their drivers permits now (please pay attention over there on the sidewalk...their lane control is not a pretty thing yet lol). They are growing up quickly. They've been working on the farm with Kyle setting tobacco. It's hot dirty work and they usually come home covered in dust and sweat. Good thing I keep plenty of towels clean, because it's usually a fight for the shower when they all get home!
They spent the spoils of their labor this weekend on electronics. One got herself an Ipad & the other bought herself her own laptop. They are rightfully proud of themselves and so are we. Physical labor is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it's really hot & humid outside. They have stuck with it through bug bites & sunburns.
Father's day yesterday was a blast. We finally got Kyle. For those not in the know, there is a tradition in this family relating to presents. More specifically, how they're wrapped. Tanith decided to buy Kyle his own Ipad. Harlee & I split the cost with her, and Mysti was our buying agent. Mysti & Tanith wrapped it but good. False bottom in the box covered in Hello Kitty duct tape, wrapped in pink saran wrap, tissue paper, and regular paper. Needless to say he had a huge grin on his face for the rest of the day.
Last but not least Regatta & Detroit are coming up & I will have pictures soon =)
Mrs. Martin
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